Welcome to the first in a series of Maine ATV club interviews with individual clubs. We shine a spotlight in a Q&A format to help readers "Get to Know" each club and the impact they make in their community.

We heard from Paula Conrad, Club Secretary.
ATV Maine: What is the name of your club and where is it located?
Paula: Island Falls Free-Wheelers ATV Club. We are located at 82 Houlton Road, Island Falls, Maine 04747.
ATV Maine: What inspired the founding of your ATV club, and how has it evolved over the years?
Paula: The interest in atving and outdoor recreation. We began with a handful of people and a few miles of trails which has evolved into well over 100 miles and about 165 members.
ATV Maine: How is your club different from other ATV clubs in the region?
Paula: We differ by supporting our local Special Olympians. We organize a fun day for them and their support staff. We have a BBQ, take them on ATV rides and play cornhole. Everyone enjoys themselves.

ATV Maine: Can you share a favorite ride or trail experience that members rave about?
Paula: Our rides to Bible Point. Bible Point is a 27 acre historical reserve. The site where Theodore Roosevelt would read his Bible is marked with a plaque. Island Falls was one of his favorite places to visit!
ATV Maine: What types of events, rides, or social gatherings does your club host throughout the year?
Paula: We do rides for a couple of our meetings, one in July, and another in September, where we support some local businesses. We always do a landowners appreciation dinner each year for our Business Members and Landowners. We do a night ride and other rides throughout the season.
ATV Maine: How does your club contribute to maintaining and improving local ATV trails?
Paula: We apply for grants to work on improving the trail system. We sign, brush and work on maintaining the trails.
ATV Maine: What’s the most unexpected or exciting thing that’s happened on a club ride?
Paula: It’s watching the faces on our handicapped individuals when they are riding on the ATVs and go through puddles, getting wet. They absolutely love it!
ATV Maine: What kind of riders make up your club—are you more about adventure, family fun, or something else?
Paula: We are about adventure and family fun. We took a trip to Ft. Kent a few years ago. Left Island Falls and rode to Caribou the first day, then continued on to Ft. Kent and enjoyed their trails before returning to Caribou, then back home the 4th day. We enjoy riding in whatever the weather throws at us.
ATV Maine: Why did your club decide to become a member of ATV Maine?
Paula: Because of their willingness to help us with getting insurance, advising us on whom to contact whenever we had a question. Plus having a lobbyist helps tremendously.
All ATV Maine clubs are invited to participate in our "Get to Know" interview series. For your ATV club to be considered for publication, fill out the questionnaire.